Friday, April 22, 2016

Lake House Supplies visits Lake Erie in Cleveland

Lake Erie
Cleveland Skyline

Road trip to Cleveland Ohio right on the banks of Lake Erie made for some great photos and lots of gratitude.  Saturday on the shores of Lake Erie the sun was shining and spring was in the air.  The people of Cleveland were out in force enjoying what nature has to offer.  Great seats at the ball park was on a beautiful Sunday afternoon for myself and a friend.  The New York Mets put the Cleveland Indians to shame with a shutout but the weather was beautiful and the sun was warm and inviting.  We had great seats and met some nice folks at Progressive Field and all over Cleveland for that matter.
Progressive Field
  A trip to the zoo is always a springtime delight.  Mr. Giraffe was interested in procreating and he was so proud.  We watched the giraffes for what seemed like an hour
Springtime at the Zoo
The elephants were fascinating to watch also and the flamingos were basking in the sunshine.  These were the animals that topped my list at the favorites of the day at the zoo.  I would be remiss if I failed to share with you the couple of koala bears that my travel companion affectionately referred to as Cheech and Chong.  I think the photos will be enough for you to get the same impression about these two the we got.

The rest of the zoo was (as described by a gentleman at the Ritz Carlton) "underwhelming".  Great meal recommendation for this road trip would have to be the Banana Blossom hands down for great Pad Thai and the spring rolls were excellent too.  A nice little family owned and operated business.  Best part of the Cleveland trip for an indoor visit was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where I was completely enthralled, so much so that I didn't take any photos but my trusty companion did (thank you).  I was much to busy trying to experience in a few hours more than a person can digest in a few days.  
Banana Blossom Appetizers

Sunset on Lake Erie was definitely a road trip highlight.  Words will not do it justice and these photos really don't either.  I recommend you go see it for yourself.

Sunset on Lake Erie


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